1000 Play Packs Full of Equipment in the Hands of WNY Kids
WNY, December 17th 2020
Over the last few weeks, we have been traveling WNY delivering 1000 of our Play Packs to community partners in all 8 counties. The packs are being given to kids in various programs being run by our partners, including mental and behavioral health services, runaway shelters, after-school programs, and food banks.
The project was made possible by support from Perry’s Ice Cream and the Buffalo Sabres Foundation, who directed $10,000 from the proceeds of Let’s Dough Buffalo!® to support Victory Sports. With every purchase of Let’s Dough Buffalo!®, the premium flavor from Perry’s Ice Cream in partnership with the Buffalo Sabres, Perry’s donates a “Buffalo nickel” to the Sabres Foundation, to support community organizations.
Each pack contains a jump-rope, exercise band, frisbee, pedometer, playground ball, and several other small items and a water bottle from BlueCross BlueShield.
We would like to thank the following partners for their valuable support in getting the equipment to some of the most disadvantaged kids located around WNY:
- Erie – OLV Services and Gateway Longview
- Niagara – Niagara Falls Peacemakers and Pinnacle Community Services
- Genesee/Orleans/Wyoming – G.L.O.W. YMCA
- Allegany – ACCORD Holiday Assistance Program
- Cattaraugus – Salamanca Youth Bureau
- Chautauqua – Jamestown Salvation Army
All our partners were so grateful to receive the support and resources to help keep their kids active and entertained during such a difficult holiday season. That’s how we work; we love uplifting our partners to help them continue their awesome work impacting the lives of children in our region.
Check out the photos of Doug visiting the different locations and meeting some of the smiling kids and delighted staff!
Huge thanks again to the team at Perry’s Ice Cream for showing their support to Victory Sports and our beloved Buffalo Sabres Foundation for distributing the funds. The Play Packs are the brainchild of Project Play WNY who we worked with in the summer to deliver an initial 1600 packs. Huge thanks to them and the Ralph C. Wilson, Jr Foundation.
We have shared our story and photos from each giveaway on our website and social media as we have visited a new community each time and supported a different local partner, including municipal departments and other non-profits. It is important we share success stories with those involved and with you all, as it helps us continue our mission and reach more children who need help staying active and having fun!
If you want to know more, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. If you would like to support future efforts, please consider donating to Victory Sports via the button below.
Thank you for taking the time to learn more about this campaign and we’ll be in touch again soon!